Severe adult onset Still′s disease: a case report and literature review
Wang Min, Zheng Yao, Yang Min
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China. Department of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Critical Care Laboratory, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230023, China
王敏,郑瑶,杨旻. 重症成人Still病1例报道并文献复习[J]. 中国急救医学, 2018, 38(8): 700-705.
Wang Min, Zheng Yao, Yang Min. Severe adult onset Still′s disease: a case report and literature review. Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 2018, 38(8): 700-705.
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